Questions from 2022 Campaign
Kia Ora ,
Thankyou for taking the time to ask a question. My apologies that this is a sheet of answers but I am being inundated with information requests with multiple questions. The information below should cover the questions that you have asked and will more than likely have more besides as I will keep adding new questions ( and answers) to it. I also have a web page at . Also confirming that I have been a first time councillor these last 3 years and have been in the hospitality industry for the 35years prior to that as a manager, owner, consultant etc ….
Thankyou for taking an interest. I believe this Job to be important which is why I have put my hand up to build a team to serve our community, and thank you for voting. I will also note that if elected as Mayor I have committed to having Liz Kho as my deputy mayor (if elected)
Cheers and I hope you are having a great day
Nga Mihi
Martin Halliday
Some video links Martin intro to campaign Martin and Liz announce “A team to serve Kapit” Martin and Liz respond to positive feedback Martin and Liz on reform Martin and Liz on Housing
Would you please advise me on which side of the fence do you sit on regarding KCDC ratepayers 3 waters assets.
Retain or hand over to the Labour Governments 3 Waters Co Government's proposal?
No, I don't support it in its current form. Local knows Local and that's where this should sit. Yes there are issues with water infrastructure in NZ that need to be addressed as well as water quality, but in Kapiti we are doing things right. Govt should be supporting local Govt IMO and funding shouldn't just sit with Rates but should be similar to Waka Kotahi ( NZTA ) 50/50 split that is currently in place for roading.
Please see links below for further information re KCDC submissions
Please advise if you're affiliated with a government party National, Labour, Green or standing as a 100% Independent candidate?
A:-No, No affiliations. Party politics doesn't have any place in Local Govt IMO, Local is about local. 100% Independent unless my wife tells me differently.
What is your view on climate change for Kapiti?
A:- It’s already turning up and it is only going to get more challenging. During my last term in Council I have been a part of a team that has embedded Climate and Sustainability into all Council Strategy and policy development as well as being a part of the reporting structure requirement for Council meetings. I will continue to work proactively in this space.
I also believe that all people as individuals need to be taking responsibility for their earth footprint and how that is managed in a proactive and constructive manner in both personal and professional environments. Small change can lead to a tidal wave of results. I encourage all to start today.
Your view on the Kapiti Gateway Project?
Where to begin on this one. I have been a NO VOTE as the ward Councillor for Paraparaumu on this project for the past 3 years. I have walked the walk from the beginning. I could write pages on this. The Local community wanted the BioSecurity to Kapiti Island to be a bit more presentable than it currently is and to potentially tell local stories. But as a project it was ambushed IMO and then the local voice was discounted. For me it went wrong from there and ever since KCDC has been trying to fit a square peg into a round hole …..and the situation has just become more and more toxic.It is now untenable IMO.
KAPITI AIRPORT - Below is a questionnaire I filled out for the Kapiti Aeroclub.
Q1. Irrespective of how it might be achieved, do you think Kāpiti Coast Airport adds economic,
social and resilience benefits for the residents of the Kāpiti Coast and will aid the growth of the
community in years to come?
A:- “Irrespective of how this is achieved” is not a fair statement in my opinion. How this “Growth” is going to be achieved in a realistic perspective I think is very important if you are going to engage in this conversation.
No, I do not think the airport in its current form adds much in the way of social, economic and resilience benefits compared to what could potentially be in this space to provide those things in the future. Something substantial would need to happen in this space to realise the benefits you refer to.
Q2. Are you familiar with Kāpiti Air Urban’s alternative vision for the airport?
A:- Yes I am
Q3. Do you accept Kāpiti Air Urban’s assertion that Kāpiti Coast will need 16,200 more 2051 to handle population growth and that this growth can accommodated within the scope of Proposed District Plan Change Two (PC2) to permit the construction of 164,000 more homes
without use of the airport land? If not, why not?
A:- Yes it might be, just as much as it might not be. I don’t know how we will reach the number of dwellings required but I do know it will be through a multitude of developments being executed . I note that the Air Urban Alternative also includes a substantial housing option as part of its vision.
What will be important from my end is having a regulatory process in place that allows for development across the district in a more constructive manner than is currently in place. Also how Puketapu ki Paraparaumu fits into whatever development occurs on the airport land..
Q4. Are you aware that even with the current District Plan a significant proportion of the airport land can be developed while still retaining an operational airport?
A:- Yes I am, I would think the question would then be “ After the development you are referring to is realised, what restrictions would this put in place with regards to 1- regulatory requirement to run an airport 2- consider the real world approach by an air service provider to be able to introduce a profitable model within the parameters that will be available to them” I would think that would be challenging considering the size of the space left for an airport considering the encroachment of both housing or commercial development into the airfield space being proposed.
Q5. Some candidates are suggesting that because the airport is privately owned the council has no role in the airport’s future. Do you agree? If not, can you outline what steps the council could take to keep Kāpiti Coast airport operational?
A:- Council will always have a role to play with this piece of land regardless whether it is an airport or not, especially from a regulatory perspective. I would have to see all the relevant information to be able to make an informed decision as to what it would take for KCDC to contribute towards keeping the airport operational. After saying that I would not want a rates burden to be placed on the Kapiti Coast ratepayer. My initial concern would be that the rate burden would be significant to our ratepayers.
Q6. The Kaikōura earthquake is a vivid memory for many Kāpiti residents. The Canterbury Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan written in the light of the Christchurch earthquakes made no mention of the Kaikōura Airport, yet in 2019 the Kaikōura District Council said:
... the quake proved it [the airport] was a major transport hub.
... the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake highlighted the need for greater resilience in air services.
Do you agree that KCDC should consult with councils that have experienced civil defence
emergencies to understand the value of their local airport?
A:- That would stand to reason. I am under the impression that the Kapiti Coast Airport is not a part of the regional emergency response policy. I have also heard from experts in this field with regards to what would be the realistic role for this airport in a regional emergency. I do believe I am informed.
What's your take on the new government policy on allowing 3 x 3 storey houses on any section, and how this is going to impact on existing Kapiti Coast residents, who have no say in the matter? (in terms of loss of sunlight, views, privacy, and the impact on property value and quality of life as a result of this). Go for gold and let the developers do whatever they want, or try to make a stand for sustainable/fair development?
A:- Complex question this. Firstly I don't agree with what and how the Govt is legislating at local Govt on this. The 3x3 story is being pushed onto the whole country. We are addressing this in our PP2 ( proposed plan change 2) that is currently out for consultation. There are some things we can do and have proposed in these changes, other than that this is coming from the Central Govt and we have no choice but to implement, with relevant rules etc . I am very concerned that since we are classified as a tier 1 Council that we are being bundled in that larger city Urban development solutions. I intend to push back against the intensification legislation with regards to protecting our Beach areas and Garden precincts as well as height in certain areas. I intend to push back to the minister using that argument as a base.
Dam for Kapiti water: Push it along or hold it meantime?Hold in the mean time. Have to wait and see how the 3 waters reform pans out. Water assets will be transferred if it goes ahead. I wouldn't want to see that land that we purchased go with that. No water asset has been created up there and it should be retained as a Council/community asset.
Fluoride in water: retain it or get rid? The decision around this sits with Central Govt and Heath not Local govt I believe.
Ratepayer funded kerbside recycling: yes or no?
Not sure actually. It's due for review in 2023 and I have a feeling it could be contentious and we may need to consult around it. I would like to see less trucks etc … and more emphasis on recycling including organic’s. I like a system I have seen in Blenheim which I would like Council to investigate.
Martin Halliday Kapiti News NZME Mayoral questionnaire
Why do you want to be mayor?
I think “want” is the wrong word. Our community should have a choice from a selection of candidates for democracy to work well. I have 35 years experience in the hospitality industry as a Manager, owner, concept developer and implementer, am entrepreneurial and have come through the school of hard knocks. I’m a doer, a listener and a team builder. I am also a leader. These are all transferable skills for the Mayoral role. I put my hand up to work for my community 3 years ago and committed to the part time role full time to learn it and to get good at it. I have delivered on my promises made and now wish to step my role up to bring my skills and experience to the Mayoral position to better serve my wider community/District.
What do you believe are the top three issues that need addressing?
:-Regulatory process - our reputation is not good. We need to do better
:-Team building - Empowering councillors and community boards to be able to be effective for the community , building a strong constructive relationship with our new Chief Executive.
:-Advocacy - Unfunded mandates from Central Government are adding to our rates bill and slowing down councils delivery of work programmes. The sheer Volume is unprecedented. What will local Govt look like on the other side ? Strong Advocacy for Kapiti during reform will be critical so our district doesn't get lost with regards to service delivery and our fair cut of the pie. Rates are a blunt tool and should be supported with Govt funding more so than they are now. Etc ….. Who’s paying for local Govt to be involved in health?
If elected, what do you hope to achieve over the next 3 years?
The above. We have completed good work over the past 3 years setting the framework around Housing, Climate/sustainability and Economic Development. Now it is time for outcomes and delivery.
What do you see as your most important attribute you would bring to council?
Leadership. I am a good team builder and front person, had my successes and failures in life and have grown from them. I have Business, Managerial, Entrepreneurial and Governance skills, have a “front of house” hospitality background leading to the development of excellent people skills. I am involved in local community groups and I care.
How will you ensure all voices of the community are heard?
People are busy, Alot just dont have the time or inclination to be engaged and rely on those elected to represent them in an informed manner. I would suggest that people do their homework on those standing. A bit of extra time spent now could make a huge difference on whether good quality people are being elected to represent you at the Council table.
Also supporting and empowering Councillors and Community boards to engage with their communities. I have been and will attend all community board meetings. Keep on top of Council Comms to ensure that they are engaging and easy to understand and introduce mini/micro surveys.
What do you do to relax?
Walks on the Awesome Kapiti Beaches and chilling out listening to music or watching a movie with my lovely wife, playing Kaplonk (petanque) with some good friends on Thursday nights and Family get-togethers are my happy places.
A Team to Serve Kapiti
Kapiti Mayoral Candidate Martin Halliday and District Wide Candidate Liz Koh have
announced they will be standing at this years elections as a team to take Kapiti forward.
Mr Halliday says “I am excited to announce that when elected I will be asking Ms Koh to be
my Deputy Mayor. Liz and I have been involved in championing community issues over the
past 5 years culminating in the formation of the Kapiti Economic Development Association
(KEDA) a support network for business startups. KEDA were also key in advocating and
ensuring implementation of the Economic Development Strategy this triennium.”
“We are very fortunate that Liz has put her hand up to represent our community at the
Council table” says Mr Halliday. “Liz has an exceptional background and reputation in both
business and philanthropic activity on the Kapiti Coast as well as nationally and
internationally. Having also chaired the Chamber of Commerce, KEDA, Nikau Foundation
and other organisations Liz’s background in economics and financial planning would be a
significant asset to our community as we take Kapiti forward.”
Ms Koh says “I am delighted that Martin has asked me to work with him to lead our
community. Martin has the energy, passion and community focus we need to get things done
for the betterment of all. Our complementary skill sets are exactly what Kapiti needs for the
challenges of the next triennium and beyond. There is significant local government reform
ahead of us as well as priority issues such as climate change, housing, healthcare and
economic development. We need strong advocates for Kapiti in all this change and
community leaders with vision and drive. Martin and I working together as a team will
provide the advocacy and leadership that Kapiti needs.”
Questions & Answers from 2019 Campaign
What are some of the Community Groups/issues have you been involved?
Guardians of the Kapiti Marine Reserve for which I was a Founding Trustee
Kapiti Startup Weekend helping members of our community turn their ideas into businesses
Kapiti Kaptchup a weekly arena for business owners, community members and anyone else interested in what's happening in Kapiti
Whirlwind's Photos in Retirement Villages in conjunction with my good friend Karl, giving those unable to get out into the community the opportunity to view parts of our community through photos on screen.
Low Carbon Kapiti working towards a carbon neutral Kapiti
Kapiti Housing Collective looking at affordable housing for our community
Te Newhanga Kapiti Community Centre engagement with Council and the Trustees to establish the situation unfolding and making the community aware of what was happening
KEDA Kapiti Ecomonic Development Agency for which I am Deputy Chair
Why are your running for Council?
Kapiti is my home. Engagement with Council through business and community advocacy has led to frustration. This disconnect between Council and our community needs to change. Explosive growth is coming with Transmission Gully. Township identity needs protection, economic planning put in place, a Council team built. “Your needs, my focus”.
What will you do to keep rates down?
An independent rates review is required to assess our current system. Our challenge, rates are Kapiti’s main source of income, other income streams need to be developed. Unnecessary spending needs to stop, every penny counts. Councillors require financial and business understanding. Vote me a team that is fit for purpose
What are your views on Kapiti Housing>
Current housing stocks should be retained by Council as part of our Community Housing solution. Community partnerships with Council are crucial. Our aged community offer a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that needs to be embraced.
Karl Webber and myself started the Kapiti Community Housing Collective to capture all related groups, including the housing task force, into one space. If elected, I would formalise this collective.
How will you approach the climate change issue?
This issue is larger than Kapiti. Strong advocacy with Regional and Central Government is vital. ACTION is required. I am committed to addressing climate change and sustainability issues. In the first instance we need to take personal ownership for our earth footprint. It starts with “the few” initiating change. This builds momentum toward “the many” following.
What will you do for your aged community if elected?
Being “age friendly” in a community with Kapiti’s demographic is a no brainer. I am surprised, after an age friendly declaration was made by council 6 years ago, that an Advisory or Steering Group was not formed. If I am elected – it will be! As Mayor, I would also support a councillor championing this group.
What do you consider to be the biggest opportunities and threats facing Kapiti over the next
five to ten years
Transmission Gully. This represents both. Great opportunity for access to the district re tourism, manufacturing/business bases and also community access to health support offered in Wellington and Porirua. BUT the flood gates will be open, do we have the infrastructure to cope, townships identities will need to be protected, we don’t want to become a big suburb of wellington. Neither do we want to become the Biggest Coastal Bypass in the country.
:- The Economic Development Strategy. This also represents both. It cannot be understated how important this is and I think it is a very misunderstood process. A plan is required for the growth and development of our District. We don’t currently have one! It will be what ensures RESULTS and ACCOUNTABILITY which is what is needed around policy implementation. BUT if it is not implemented and implemented well, we will find ourselves floundering around during the largest growth cycle this community is ever likely to see.
- Development of water based activity AROUND Kapiti Island.
- Entrepreneurialism, an attractive lifestyle matched with area access will build on this sector that is already here and alive .
-Development of our Arts and Creative sector.
-Development of targeted cluster groups such as manufacturing, arts and creatives or other groups, that are firing on the Kapiti Coast, as identified through the coming Economic Development implementation process.
- Building around the age friendly communities initiative that council has supported but not acted on.
-Enhancement of our townships uniqueness that gives the Kapiti Coast its awesome personality.
-Leading by example around addressing climate and sustainability issues.
- Non implementation of all of the above, but especially the Economic Development Strategy.
- Our Council not being clear that councillors are in the governance role and Council in a delivery role.
- Lack of pro-active Mayoral and Councillor leadership in moving The Kapiti Coast as a district forward.
- Loss of our uniqueness through a wave of unchecked development that has no plan.
-Climate related issues that will become increasingly relevant to us as a Coastal Community.
Economic growth has benefits for everyone living in the district. Kapiti needs a sound
economic development strategy. How would you go about ensuring the strategy is
developed and implemented and who should be involved?
The Economic Development Strategy needs to be embedded into Council moving forward. It powers the development and growth of both business and community in our district. It has to be independent. Front and Center of this is The Governance and implementation as it binds it all together. This cannot be controlled by council, our community needs to take ownership. It’s not about one group but a collection of relevant stake holders that will also take ownership of the process. It needs to be funded and ongoing.
A ED Program Manager needs to be in place.
In my view KEDA and the Chamber were crucial in getting the ED refresh back on track for implementation. We were fortunate to have an expert that KEDA was able to put into that process. If we are serious about this ED Strategy hitting the ground running, then this person needs to be fully engaged/employed by this group so that we have an expert that is familiar with process that has occurred up until now, has a connection to this community and the skills to get the job done. In my opinion, and I know of others, it would be a travesty and a hugely missed opportunity if this did not occur. It would be one of the singular most important things that could be done as part of ensuring the development and implementation of the ED strategy.
Will Kapiti have the infrastructure needed to support projected population growth? If not,
what are the key priorities for infrastructure development?
A lot of our current infrastructure is dated and there are some potential big bills coming up. We need to explore our options. A big influence will be around the Climate issues and how they will impact on current and future infrastructure.
Pressures on infrastructure via projected population growth should be covered cost wise by the development fees charged. If not, why not? Are these fees actually being used for this purpose?. We need to have a clear understanding of what costs are and where the money is being spent. This reporting needs to be ongoing and acted on.
Climate issues will trigger unexpected pressures, these will need to be addressed and factored into plans as we move forward.
We should be looking at what others are doing which is working and look at ALL options that could be of use for our community that are currently working elsewhere.
Council has a goal of being “Open for Business”. What does this term mean to you and what
can Council do to ensure it achieves this goal?
I, and I think the business community, over the years, have been lead to believe that this is about helping business owners, businesses that want to bring opportunity and growth to our area, current business that wants to expand, developers etc….. and this isn’t happening.
Being open for business is not about just having the doors open and hopefully a good experience with our front line staff, although this is part of it. It’s about creating certainty around growth options for the district and the people that want to invest here to achieve that.
Council should Aim to roll out the red carpet, not the red tape.
Treat the business community as a customer.
One of the purposes of local Government.
To meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses. (Local Government Act 2002, section 10 (1)).
Council needs to engage and listen to the business community, prioritize the issues presented and fold them back one by one to achieve a business friendly environment.
Does Council have a role to encourage businesses to relocate or establish here? If so, what
kind of support should Council offer?
Yes it Does. It needs to be open for business in it’s truest sense. It needs to help create certainty for potential incoming investment. Information needs to be simple and readily available. Processes, especially around consenting need to be transparent and fit for purpose.
Councillors also have the role of being ambassadors for the Kapiti Coast with the Mayor leading this. We need to identity key cluster groups that are currently winning on the Kapiti Coast, support and grow them by encouraging relocation, developing support , growing connections and relationships and securing funding if possible. We need to be working together as one united district.
How Important is it to tell the “Kapiti Story” and how would you go about supporting a
project to do this?
What is the Kapiti Story? Yes this needs to be told ….and what a great resource that would be.
This should be a part of the delivery of the Economic Development Strategy.
This could be a multi-sided story – our community story, our township stories, cultural story etc…
But we do need a central story that the district can identify with and can be used for marketing
The future of the well-patronised Kapiti Community Centre is in doubt due to the discovery
of leaks and mould in the building. Do you believe Kapiti needs a Community Centre? If so,
what needs to happen to ensure we have one?
I do believe Kapiti needs a Community Centre, it needs to be our Community heart. Community needs to be leading the engagement and involvement in whatever solution eventuates in partnership with council.
I have been involved as an observer and participant with this process over the past 14 odd months that saw our Community centre taken over from the trust in place, into statutory management by KCDC. This was a very heavy handed process that lacked consultation and support for the trust that was in place.
This approach is not uncommon and has to stop.
Where were our current councillors that should have been champions in this area?
With the I-site being closed, maintenance and health issues arising around the current space, a community call for a potential indoor recreational space etc…. the answers need to come from the community. The land was gifted, Community funds raised to build and then the building gifted to council in trust to maintain for the community ….has that happened?
There are all sorts of potential pathways around this question.
I propose that a working group/committee be formed around this issue. It may be part of a wider portfolio around community that has stakeholders and councillors leading.
We need to start with a blank canvas and look at developing an option that is community lead and forward thinking to community need and requirement.
There has been much debate over the proposed Kapiti Gateway project. There are varying
views on the need for a Gateway, the proposed cost and the proposed location. How would
you work towards a solution that is acceptable to the various stakeholders, including
Council, the community, retailers, visitors and affected parties?
By being realistic about it and communicating.
All energies seem to be focused on this being a large project that will sit in The Kapiti Boat Club.
There needs to be clear definition about what is actually required.
A Gateway to Kapiti island is required in the soonest. This should be a small fit for purpose solution that meets stakeholder requirements, In this case a demarcation point for tour operators and Bio-security for DOC to our world renowned nature reserve that has a visitor cap of about 30,000.
A Gateway to the The Kapiti Coast could take many forms. I’d like to see it based around the Paraparaumu Beach area, not necessarily defined by one space but part of a welcoming experience that sets the tone for a Kapiti Adventure.
Manaaki Kapiti, the tourism development group currently sitting in the Kapiti Chamber of Commerce needs to be empowered to be a key stakeholder in this process and decision. Again it should not be council driven, but community lead with councillors, in partnership with council.
The Raumati Swimming Pool complex has been lying idle for some time. It has been
proposed that the complex be used to develop a Marine Discovery Centre, which would
have both local and national significance. Do you support the development of such a Centre?
How should it be funded? Who should lead this project?
Yes I support it, I think it is a fantastic idea.
I have been involved with this concept, conversation and development since its inception.
I believe that we should have a Marine coastal theme running throughout our district as part of our identity being a coastal community. It would be a draw to bring visitors to the area, but supply an amazing facility for those that live here. Whale song,
Funding is not being asked for, there are a lot of avenues that could be explored for this.
Council is being asked to supply the building. This needs to be picked up as part of the economic development strategy and supported.
Community needs to lead this, the Guardians of the Kapiti Marine Reserve have been instrumental in moving the conversation forward, but this group now needs support from relevant stakeholders, championing by councillors in partnership with community and council.
If elected I will be be involved.
What are your views on the protection of our coastlines and key coastal infrastructure?
This is a big issue coming, and it is coming. A working group/committee around KCDC declaring at climate emergency needs to be formed and an approach of embedding this into all future council decisions taken.
Advocacy between KCDC, Regional Council and Central Government is essential and we need to be a part of those discussions and plans.
Some things will be protected, some will not. We have to be prepared to look outside the square for some of our solutions. But we won’t be doing at alone.
We need to front foot this otherwise we will find ourselves overtaken by events beyond our control.